Quality Policy

Our quality policy aims to challenge the misconception around the African business environment by providing services which fully satisfy our clients’ requirements and exceed their expectations. 

We are committed to delivering defect-free and on-time services by addressing any obstacles and challenges that prevent our clients from reaching their required performance and promote Africa in general and the DRC as leading investment destinations. 

The PAG SARL quality policy embraces the following key principles:

Making our clients’ experience the best in the industry


Complying with the relevant regulatory requirements.


Making the satisfaction of clients the primary focus of our quality management activities.

Quality Services

Clearly understand client needs and provide services that meet those needs

Client Experience

Making our clients’ experience the best in the industry.


All staff have a responsibility to understand and apply the quality policy in the performance of their duties

Good Decision Making

Systems and controls are prevention focused to foster a more effective decision-making process

Our Commitment

PAG management is unconditionally committed to our quality policy through effective participation in quality improvement activities and leadership by example.